Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Should Transgenders Be Allowed In the Military - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1274 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Transgender Essay Did you like this example? The United States military is sacred to the American soldier. For the past 300 years, millions of men have fought for the freedom of his native land and people. The freedom to speak, to practice religious services, and to live. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Should Transgenders Be Allowed In the Military" essay for you Create order But does the freedom to live mean to live how you want? Does that imply the civilians that have altered their bodies? Transgender equality has become a booming political topic and, quite frankly, a racial issue. The question has arised, Should Transgenders be allowed to serve in the military?. A person truly concerned about the safety and freedom of their country would agree that transgenders should have a spot in any branch of the army. Secondly, to the people who think they-transgenders- are not strong enough or do not a have the will power, look how hard they fight now! The LGBT community is currently fighting for same rights heterosexuals possess. They fight for the same rights handed to them before they decided to be different. They fight for equality. Transgenders endure systematic discrimination, harassment, and hate crimes. In 2017, a sum of 25 transgenders were murdered because of who they were, but that had yet to halt the raging battle within them (Nazish, Noma). Tell me, can you be in a war zone, watch your partner die, and still be able to fight? If not, then why are you against someone else taking your spot? Aristotle said it himself, The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. (Equality Quotes). Transgenders are currently fighting for their right to serve, and their war has yet to relinquish. Maybe this will open your eyes, they fight to have the ability to protect the people that are so hell bent on erasing them. So why are we not letting them serve? Is it because society has stereotyped the LGBT community into a warped vision that accumulates only the thought of difference, or is it simply because society does not agree with their way of life? Despite our nations distaste for trannys on June 30, 2016 the Pentagon dispersed the ban President Trump had instilled March 2016. The Pentagon acknowledged that it is in the militarys best interest to recruit and retain the best troops, regardless of their gender identity. (Human Rights Campaign). If the Pentagon sees no wrong in the gender identity of the military, why do we? According to TransEquality, 18 percent of the 27,715 people surveyed have served. To put that into perspective, that is close to 5,000 soldiers! TransEquality admitted that the survey was not accurate for the main fact that there was a ban of transgenders in the military during their survey; therefore, there was a substantial amount of soldiers unaccounted for! Even more so, 60 percent of the veterans that served within a 10-year period were eager to rejoin under the conditions that transgenders were allowed to as well. Allyson Robinson, an American rights activist for the LGBT community, stated We have strong statistical evidence that shows that transgender people are twice as likely as their fellow citizen to joined the military, to have served the military. (Google Search). Lets break that down; there are more transgender citizens willing to serve our country than the people that do not want them serve. The average cost to train a serviceman is around $20,000. That just covers the basics. A serviceman who has gained ranks will cost more. The highest being Army War College which costs a staggering $323,036 per person. Even then, that is for basic training of the highest rank. If a serviceman were to specialize in a particular field, the cost could be endless. For example, the average expense for the training of an F-22 fighter pilot is $12.5 million (Maucione, Scott). Seeing the amount of money poured into the average soldier, can we assume finances are not a reason? Wrong. President Trump tweeted, After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical cost and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you. (Google Search). Yes, when you enlist in the military your medical needs are paid for no matter the cost. Currently, the United States Military forks out approximately $6 billion in health care each year. A 2016 study performed by RAND indicated that it would cost the US anywhere between $2.4 million to $8.4 million to accommodate transgender healthcare expense (Maucione, Scott). That sounds like a big number, but compare it to the $6 billion already being used for medical expenses. Belkin also participated in a study and had this to say, The provision of transition-related care will cost the military $5.6 million annually, or 22 cents per [military] member per month.(Maurione, Scott) Federal News Network added that the transitions can be completed through $30 monthly injections. As a taxpaye r, I am willing to give 22 cents and even $30 a month, so a soldier can fight my battles. Furthermore, if transgenders were banned from the military, think of the mountain of currency thrown down the drain from previous employment. Sue Fulton, president of SPARTA, vocalized, Just within SPARTA, we have academy graduates who have gone through Annapolis or West Point. That is hundreds of thousands of dollars in leadership training, and they are leading units today or are flying aircraft. Quantifying the training they got just through the academies is several hundred thousand dollars, and then follow on training to train an officer in their specialty varies depending on what their specialty is. If youre talking about someone who goes on Ranger School or has pilot training os is an intel officer, again you are running into hundreds of thousands of dollars. We have folks who are military physicians who went to medical school who are currently serving the Army playing critical roles.(Maurione, Scott). This could not have been said any better. The US military would have to find other personnel to take over their spots, spend even more money training them, and they would lose soldiers! Meet Blake M. Dremann, and active duty Navy Lieutenant from St. Louis, Missouri. Lt. Cmdr. Dremann has served in 11 deployments and is a decorated soldier obtaining the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, Joint Service Achievement Medal, and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (SpartaPride). Blake is also transgender. Despite that, the military paid for his attendance at Supply Corps Basic Qualification Course, Anti-Terrorism Officer School, Helicopter Controll Officer School, Basic and Intermediate Leadership schools, Submarine Officer Basic course and Joint Professional Military Education (Maurione, Scott). Should the US military leave all of that talent and training to waste. Not to mention that funds that had to be shelled out for his attendance. In conclusion, any soldier is a brave soldier. Their gender does not define their courage. The people that fight against them have yet to serve themselves. The military needs more soldiers, and if you do not wish to sign up, why do you not want a transgender to? They are bravely taking your spot on the lines. They are willing to risk their lives to keep you safe and to be able to think negatively of them. Does that not sound immature? Maybe a little ungrateful? All in all, it is our personal preference if we should allow transgenders to be in the military. This essays primary goal was to shine light on the financial status on transgender enlistment since we all can agree: money is always an issue. But is it now? You decide

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Animal Testing Social And Moral Views - 2753 Words

Against Animal Testing | Chp 1 Social and moral views Choice between beauty (social pressure) and morality and ethics (products that test or don’t test) Needs new title Make note on Australia’s stance-have said Don t do it but haven t made it illegal Keep or delete sub headings? Get this down to 2000 words at the most! Over 25 million animals are killed each year in the US for animal testing, the specific type of animal is dependant on the test being conducted though mice and rats make up about 90% and about 1% I.E 250,000 are cats, dogs and primates. Other animals commonly used are hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, chickens, sheep, horses and cows. Tom Regan, a philosophy professor at North Carolina State University, states: Animals have a basic moral right to respectful treatment†¦This inherent value is not respected when animals are reduced to being mere tools in a scientific experiment (qtd. in Orlans 26). Is Your Experiment Really Necessary? Sheila Silcock, a research consultant for the RSPCA, states: Animals may themselves be the beneficiaries of animal experiments. But the value we place on the quality of their lives is determined by their perceived value to humans (34). More than six million animals are used annually in research and teaching in Australia and New Zealand. Many (but not all) of those animal are subjected to some degree of pain and/or stress during the experimental procedure or as a result of the environment in which they are kept prior toShow MoreRelatedEssay about Humane Treatment of Animals1419 Words   |  6 PagesHumane Treatment of Animals Animal testing is a necessity in todays society. This topic receives a lot of attention worldwide. There are many people who feel that risking an animals well being is cruel and inhumane. They may be right; however, Im taking a utilitarian approach on this topic and saying that the greater good for majority of people wins. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Teenage Life Essay Sample free essay sample

As an English assignment I was told to enter a address of one of my ‘pet peeves’ . It was merely to be 5 proceedingss long and have three chief points. This discouraged me a great trade as if you take any one of my ‘pet peeves’ and I could mouth off for at least a half an hr on each. if non more. Much less I was non about to alter my manner of speech production in complete and absolute drone merely to sound more enthusiastic as suggested. I am non an enthusiastic individual. it’s merely non traveling to go on. After posting the address here I got so many positive responses to it I have decided to maintain it up instead so take it down even though I personally have outgrown it. seeing as I am no longer a adolescent. Good eventide beloved audience. As you all know I am here to discourse one of the most boring facets of the society in which I live in. I have come to speak to this adoring audience about a blithe and sometime humourous subject of the typical teen-age stereo-type as the announcer has already told you. Now I’d like to get down out my small address by stating you all that I am a people watcher. All my life from the clip I was hardly able to speak until now I have ever preferred to watch the people around me instead so really take parting in any of their activities. It is because of this that I am so bold in indicating out all that fusss me about my teen-age equals. One of the most outstanding issues brought up by this people watching is the fact that teen-agers like for some ground to sound stupid and unworldly. Whatever they say does the antonym of bid regard. For case if I hear one more individual use the gimmick phrase â€Å"whazzup† or utilize the word â€Å"like† 30 times in one sentence I merely may be tempted to make or state something awfully roseola. I admit I was neer the typical adolescent or the typical miss for that affair. And there are a few grounds for this but chiefly I merely see the life of a teen-age miss pointless. utterly exhausting and rather frankly square. Back to the subject of how teen-agers talk though there is one thing you’ll neer happen me making and that is speaking on the phone for 2 or 4 hours to one of my friends explicating some useless teen-age garbage and frivolous raillery. I have no thought how misss can acquire on the phone and yelp off for hours on terminal to some one they’ve already spent the full twenty-four hours with. Possibly it’s merely me. One thing that’s even more annoying so the phone talk nevertheless is the deficiency of any intelligent vocabulary. I find myself invariably dumbing down my address and explicating vocabulary they should already cognize like â€Å"banter† . â€Å"haughty† . â€Å"enthralled† . â€Å"caviar† . â€Å"albeit† . and â€Å"lewd. † It’s rather sad to believe that these. my friends. are the smarter of the general multitudes. It’s rather hapless so. However you have to manus it to them. whatever teen-age misss deficiency in vocabulary they make up by adding play to everything. I don’t know about any one else but I’m rather sick of the play queen acts myself. You all know the miss that merely exclaims â€Å"oh but Johnny doesn’t love me! I could merely decease! † or â€Å"Today was the absolute worst twenty-four hours of my life. I’m neer traveling back for every bit long as I live! † Personally I am rather annoyed by the over usage of exclaimings and the absurd over hyperboles. However it’s no little admiration why they talk the manner they do. I blame the media. their music and their literature of which I’llAs an English assignment I was told to enter a address of one of my ‘pet peeves’ . It was merely to be 5 proceedingss long and have three chief points. This discouraged me a great trade as if you take any one of my ‘pet peeves’ and I could mouth off for at least a half an hr on each. if non more. Much less I was non about to alter my manner of speech production in complete and absolute drone merely to sound more enthusiastic as suggested. I am non an enthusiastic individual. it’s merely non traveling to go on. After posting the address here I got so many positive responses to it I have decided to maintain it up instead so take it down even though I personally have outgrown it. seeing as I am no longer a adolescent. Good eventide beloved audience. As you all know I am here to discourse one of the most boring facets of the society in which I live in. I have come to speak to this adoring audience about a blithe and sometime humourous subject of the typical teen-age stereo-type as the announcer has already told you. Now I’d like to get down out my small address by stating you all that I am a people watcher. All my life from the clip I was hardly able to speak until now I have ever preferred to watch the people around me instead so really take parting in any of their activities. It is because of this that I am so bold in indicating out all that fusss me about my teen-age equals. One of the most outstanding issues brought up by this people watching is the fact that teen-agers like for some ground to sound stupid and unworldly. Whatever they say does the antonym of bid regard. For case if I hear one more individual use the gimmick phrase â€Å"whazzup† or utilize the word â€Å"like† 30 times in one sentence I merely may be tempted to make or state something awfully roseola. I admit I was neer the typical adolescent or the typical miss for that affair. And there are a few grounds for this but chiefly I merely see the life of a teen-age miss pointless. utterly exhausting and rather frankly square. Back to the subject of how teen-agers talk though there is one thing you’ll neer happen me making and that is speaking on the phone for 2 or 4 hours to one of my friends explicating some useless teen-age garbage and frivolous raillery. I have no thought how misss can acquire on the phone and yelp off for hours on terminal to some one they’ve already spent the full twenty-four hours with. Possibly it’s merely me. One thing that’s even more annoying so the phone talk nevertheless is the deficiency of any intelligent vocabulary. I find myself invariably dumbing down my address and explicating vocabulary they should already cognize like â€Å"banter† . â€Å"haughty† . â€Å"enthralled† . â€Å"caviar† . â€Å"albeit† . and â€Å"lewd. † It’s rather sad to believe that these. my friends. are the smarter of the general multitudes. It’s rather hapless so. However you have to manus it to them. whatever teen-age misss deficiency in vocabulary they make up by adding play to everything. I don’t know about any one else but I’m rather sick of the play queen acts myself. You all know the miss that merely exclaims â€Å"oh but Johnny doesn’t love me! I could merely decease! † or â€Å"Today was the absolute worst twenty-four hours of my life. I’m neer traveling back for every bit long as I live! † Personally I am rather annoyed by the over usage of exclaimings and the absurd over hyperboles. However it’s no little admiration why they talk the manner they do. I blame the media. their music and their literature of which I’ll be merely speaking about the latter since the media would take another half an hr to review. All the misss I know of listen to start music. This wouldn’t be so bad if they really all enjoyed it and there was really something worthwhile to listen to but it’s non. Pop music is the decease of anything good in the music industry. The sets don’t even compose their ain music or play their ain instruments. Worse still they don’t even sound good. I think they sound like either a deceasing caprine animal or a cat caught in the fan belt of a auto. The lone ground these misss listen to such fluff is that they are purportedly cunning. Now I’m non a mastermind or anything nor do I claim to be but when I listen to music it’s my ears making the listening non my eyes. So where does this whole cute factor tantrum in anyhow? I’m besides ostracized by my ain equals and called abnormal for my ain individualistic position on life. Just because I’d instead watch some old set on the Ed Sullivan Show that really writes their ain music and plays their ain instruments and non the queen of dad Miss Britney Spears flaunt her bare tegument and lip sinc on MTV does non intend I’m unnatural. On the contrary I think it leads one to believe I’m merely smarter so the multitudes. And don’t acquire me incorrect. this isn’t some calumniatory anti-social statement. it’s merely my blunt black and white position of my ain equals. Popular reading stuffs aren’t much better so the music industry. Their woebegone deficiency of vocabulary and perfectly hapless plotlines make even the best of these lone worth fire starting motors. I tried reading some of these books one time. I got through 3 pages before I got so irked at the complete and absolute simpleness that I threw it across the room in defeat. I think I would hold learned more from reading â€Å"See Spot Run† than from those books. Quite merely set I am aggravated with the dull meaningless cliches. non to advert the four for a dollar love affairs that fill the shelves. I have ever been a true truster that measure is NOT quality. I like strong belief in my reading stuffs. even if I don’t agree with that is being stated I admire the author for holding the backbones to state it. However the entire deficiency of significance in a teen-agers life is what fusss me above all else. For most teen-agers it is their lone end in life to suit in. I myself instead like non suiting in. because to suit in agencies to conform. Let me show my point. All of the â€Å"typical teen-agers† I know have a whole set of unwritten regulations and moralss that rule their piddley small lives. One of them is to neer state anything that may even be remotely violative to anyone in your presence with the exclusion of profuse profanity. which in my personal sentiment makes you look like you should be on the Jerry Springer Show. Now. courtesy can be a good thing but non when it regulations your life. There are certain state of affairss in which it is most appropriate to stand for what you believe in. province what you truly experience and non worry about what others think of such a bold move. I myself do this every twenty-four hours and possibly this is why I have so few friends. because no 1 can set up with me. I’m all the happier for it though because the few friends I do hold cognize who I am and non who they think I am. I am besides a spot of a lone wolf. I don’t conform to any coterie. To me teen-agers bunch together in groups and seek to suit themselves into a perfect cast. It is nevertheless similar thronging a square nail in a unit of ammunition slot. I would neer crouch so low as to change all my sentiments. what music reading and avocations I enjoy merely to suit in. I think it’s atrocious myself that anyone would make this. My equals shudder at my words. They see individualism. at least in the sense I see it as a menace to the manner they live. Just simply stating them about individualism is most kindred to learning the Canis familiaris quantum natural philosophies. They care manner excessively much of what people think about them to be themselves and that’s why they are ever paranoid and excessively concerned about everything. For case what cuts me from the herd is I don’t care diddley-squat if Johnny loves me or the most popular miss in town approves of me. On the contrary I find myself really of the fact the populars shun me. To me this means I am making my occupation. and making it good. End Note: I got an overal class of 99 % for this presentation with the remarks. â€Å"You had an interesting pet peeve presented in a originative manner. Following clip attempt to talk more enthusiastically. † I speak in drone. I extremely doubt that will of all time alter. Inflections in my voice are every bit difficult to pick out as a tick in the creases on a rhinoceros’ fell. Hope you all have enjoyed today’s harangue. be merely speaking about the latter since the media would take another half an hr to review. All the misss I know of listen to start music. This wouldn’t be so bad if they really all enjoyed it and there was really something worthwhile to listen to but it’s non. Pop music is the decease of anything good in the music industry. The sets don’t even compose their ain music or play their ain instruments. Worse still they don’t even sound good. I think they sound like either a deceasing caprine animal or a cat caught in the fan belt of a auto. The lone ground these misss listen to such fluff is that they are purportedly cunning. Now I’m non a mastermind or anything nor do I claim to be but when I listen to music it’s my ears making the listening non my eyes. So where does this whole cute factor tantrum in anyhow? I’m besides ostracized by my ain equals and called abnormal for my ain individualistic position on life. Just because I’d instead watch some old set on the Ed Sullivan Show that really writes their ain music and plays their ain instruments and non the queen of dad Miss Britney Spears flaunt her bare tegument and lip sinc on MTV does non intend I’m unnatural. On the contrary I think it leads one to believe I’m merely smarter so the multitudes. And don’t acquire me incorrect. this isn’t some calumniatory anti-social statement. it’s merely my blunt black and white position of my ain equals. Popular reading stuffs aren’t much better so the music industry. Their woebegone deficiency of vocabulary and perfectly hapless plotlines make even the best of these lone worth fire starting motors. I tried reading some of these books one time. I got through 3 pages before I got so irked at the complete and absolute simpleness that I threw it across the room in defeat. I think I would hold learned more from reading â€Å"See Spot Run† than from those books. Quite merely set I am aggravated with the dull meaningless cliches. non to advert the four for a dollar love affairs that fill the shelves. I have ever been a true truster that measure is NOT quality. I like strong belief in my reading stuffs. even if I don’t agree with that is being stated I admire the author for holding the backbones to state it. However the entire deficiency of significance in a teen-agers life is what fusss me above all else. For most teen-agers it is their lone end in life to suit in. I myself instead like non suiting in. because to suit in agencies to conform. Let me show my point. All of the â€Å"typical teen-agers† I know have a whole set of unwritten regulations and moralss that rule their piddley small lives. One of them is to neer state anything that may even be remotely violative to anyone in your presence with the exclusion of profuse profanity. which in my personal sentiment makes you look like you should be on the Jerry Springer Show. Now. courtesy can be a good thing but non when it regulations your life. There are certain state of affairss in which it is most appropriate to stand for what you believe in. province what you truly experience and non worry about what others think of such a bold move. I myself do this every twenty-four hours and possibly this is why I have so few friends. because no 1 can set up with me. I’m all the happier for it though because the few friends I do hold cognize who I am and non who they think I am. I am besides a spot of a lone wolf. I don’t conform to any coterie. To me teen-agers bunch together in groups and seek to suit themselves into a perfect cast. It is nevertheless similar thronging a square nail in a unit of ammunition slot. I would neer crouch so low as to change all my sentiments. what music reading and avocations I enjoy merely to suit in. I think it’s atrocious myself that anyone would make this. My equals shudder at my words. They see individualism. at least in the sense I see it as a menace to the manner they live. Just simply stating them about individualism is most kindred to learning the Canis familiaris quantum natural philosophies. They care manner excessively much of what people think about them to be themselves and that’s why they are ever paranoid and excessively concerned about everything. For case what cuts me from the herd is I don’t care diddley-squat if Johnny loves me or the most popular miss in town approves of me. On the contrary I find myself really of the fact the populars shun me. To me this means I am making my occupation. and making it good. End Note: I got an overal class of 99 % for this presentation with the remarks. â€Å"You had an interesting pet peeve presented in a originative manner. Following clip attempt to talk more enthusiastically. † I speak in drone. I extremely doubt that will of all time alter. Inflections in my voice are every bit difficult to pick out as a tick in the creases on a rhinoceros’ fell. Hope you all have enjoyed today’s harangue.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Peer Pressure To Allegiance Essays - A Jury Of Her Peers, Trifles

Peer Pressure To Allegiance Peer Pressure to Allegiance by Jason Harris Written Communications III Professor Brenner March 19, 2001 Harris 1 Peer Pressure to Allegiance Peer Pressure is defined as the influence exerted upon one by others of the same age, social group, etc. Allegiance is the obligation of a person to his or her state or government, fidelity to a person or principle; devotion. In Susan Glaspell's ?A Jury of Her Peers,? Martha Hales character attempts to persuade Mrs. Peters characters initial thinking. She does this through peer pressure. ?A Jury of Her Peers,? is about a criminal act. Mrs. Wright is being held in the county jail for murder. John Wright, her husband, was found dead with a rope around his neck. Lewis Hale stopped by the Wright's home for help with his load of potatoes. He instead found John Wright dead. The story begins with Martha in her own kitchen. Mr. Hale has stopped by the house to pick Martha up. The Hales are joined by the sheriff, his wife, and the county prosecutor, Mr. Henderson. They are on their way to the Wright home. They are searching for a motive behind the murder of Mr. Wright. The Wright home is the setting for the story. The sheriff's second wife, Mrs. Peters was the only other woman among the group. She is not your typical sheriff's wife. She is quiet and petite. She does not possess a strong authoritative voice like Mrs. Hale. At the Wright house, the three men Mr. Hale, Mr. Henderson, and the sheriff venture upstairs to search for a motive. Mrs. Hale, the dominant woman in this story, strikes up a conversation with Mrs. Peters. It begins with Mrs. Hale displaying her dislike of the men snooping around the house. Mrs. Peters does not agree with Martha. She views the men not as snooping, but as investigating. They are doing their duty says Mrs. Peters. Her loyalty sides with her husband. The women are gathering Mr. Wright's things when Martha begins to tell stories of Minnie Foster. Minnie Foster is the name of Mrs. Wright before she was married to John. Martha explains how she wore pretty clothes and used to be lively. Martha is building a foundation to persuade Mrs. Peters opinion of Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Peters believes that Mrs. Wright murdered Mr. Wright, which is true, but she does not know all the circumstances surrounding the Harris 2 situation. Martha asks her if she thought Mrs. Wright murdered John Wright. Mrs. Peters did not give her honest opinion. She said, ?Oh I don't know? (173). She feels intimidating peer pressure from Martha. She does stand up to her. Martha says, ?it seems kind of sneaking: locking her up in town and coming out here to get her own house to turn against her? (173). Mrs. Peters replies, ?But, Mrs. Hale the law is the law? (173). Martha gives a short sarcastic reply, ?the law is the law and a bad stove is a bad stove? (173). Mrs. Peters feels the peer pressure from Martha. Martha has a feeling that Mrs. Wright may have killed her husband but Martha wants to know which side Mrs. Peters is loyal to. Is her allegiance to the farm women in this community or to the law? They are still gathering Mrs. Wright's clothes when they stumble across a clue; a damaged birdcage. The birdcage is empty. Martha explains Mrs. Wright's love for her pet canary. They are gathering one of Mrs. Wrights quilts when they stumble across a beautiful sewing box. The beautiful sewing box contains Mrs. Wrights pet canary. The canary's neck is broken. At this moment, they know Mrs. Wright killed her husband. They are aware of the importance of the pet canary to Mrs. Wright. As they put the clues together, the men start down the stairs. This is it! Mrs. Peters must decide her allegiance. Would the quiet and petite Mrs. Peters swear allegiance to the women and protect Mrs. Wright? Or would she reveal to the men, the clues, which they stum bled across and could use against Mrs. Wright? Mrs. Peters grabs the box and attempts to stuff the sewing box in her handbag. She sides with the women. The peer pressure