Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Cash Connection Essay Example for Free

The Cash Connection Essay The payday loaning industry is a serious industry built up in the 1990’s, intended to give residents the choice to get a convenient solution with respect to monetary issues, with an end goal to get by. The principle objective for those in the payday credit industry â€Å"should be to serve clients in consistence with the standards of the business and better instruct them on the administrations and items they offer† (Personal Communications, 2012). This industry raises the dubious subject of moral, or deceptive, and right up 'til today is as yet being questioned. Money Connection’s system is â€Å"to give monetary items and administrations to the unbanked and monetarily underserved customers†(CashConnection. eu), likewise to separate themselves their opposition with the aim of turning into the most predominant establishment in the loaning business. The loaning business was set up to furnish residents in a monetary emergency with brisk money advances while holding fast to the standards of the business, and educating them regarding the significance of savvy getting. An engaged separation system is characterized as â€Å"concentrating on a thin purchaser fragment and outcompeting rivals with an item offering that meets the particular tastes and prerequisites of specialty individuals better than the item contributions of rivals†. Money Connection is adopting this strategy by offering alluring highlights to its clients that its rivals can't offer. The various attributes customers discover significant while looking for a fast money credit, for example, lower financing costs, and bigger advances affect the consumer’s buy choice. Money Connection utilizes that for their potential benefit by centering their procedure around those highlights with an end goal to turn into the main loaning establishment in that industry. In the selection given by Paul Smith there is proof that proposes that Cash Connection’s system and plan of action is moral. â€Å"Individuals taking high intrigue advances were more averse to be in destitution, more averse to be ravenous and more averse to have lost their job† (Personal Communications, 2012). Given this demonstration, high intrigue advances have positively affected society all in all. Money Connection clarifies the significance of savvy acquiring before the client gets the credit, in order to prevent the client from stumbling into genuine budgetary difficulty, as a reasonable notice before the exchange is finished. â€Å"For organizations that work inside this industry, a principle goal ought to be to serve clients in consistence with the standards of the business and better instruct them on the administrations and items they offer† (Personal Communications, 2012). Certain liabilities are related with pretty much every offered item, for instance tobacco organizations incorporate an admonition in regards to the wellbeing dangers related with the item, and furthermore, liquor fuses a similar idea into its items. The proof that proposes Cash Connection’s methodology and plan of action lies in the â€Å"Pay Loans Scrutinized† video, with respect to a lady who imprudently utilized the framework, and developed reliance for the moment money got (CBS, 2008). In this video a woman uncovers her monetary battles she has procured using high enthusiasm loaning credits. She clarifies how loaning credits are at fault for the obligation she gained, and states she would want to abandon warmth, water, and food than be in the budgetary position she is right now in. She clearly manhandled the benefit and got herself into an issue. The main exploitative contention that increases is the high loan costs that apply under the terms and conditions, making it hard for those living in destitution to take care of acquired cash. The prevailing monetary attributes that influence the payday loaning industry comprise of the various principles and guidelines forced by the legislature. The greatest danger the payday loaning industry faces is its chance getting illicit. â€Å"A express that has lenient usury laws can generally change its laws to bring down roofs on payday advance money charges, or to make payday loaning illegal†(Caskey, 2002). Additionally Caskey expresses some payday establishments expect clients to be taken a crack at a vocation position that gives pay, alongside a financial records. This can majorly affect the payday loaning industry by precluding those clients that don't fit the fundamental prerequisites built up so as to get a loaning advance. â€Å"The five serious powers incorporate (1) rivalry from rival merchants, (2) rivalry from expected new participants to the business, (3) rivalry from makers of substitute items, (4) provider bartering force, and (5) client dealing power† (Rollins, 2011). Contention among the loaning business is exceptionally extraordinary and serious. Since the 1990’s when this industry was built up, rivalry has been savage on account of â€Å"The leaving of conventional monetary foundations from the little section, transient credit showcase; a change generally because of its significant expense structure,† and â€Å"The taking off expense of ricocheted checks and overdraft assurance charges, late bill installment punishments, and other casual augmentations of present moment credit† (Personal Communications, 2012). Rivalry from new participants in the business can force a genuine danger since obstructions to section are so low. The main fixing important to enter this market is access to forthright money. Rivalry from makers of substitute items contains the capacity to be a genuine danger as a result of the various kinds of advances that banks offer, alongside the various qualities with respect to those advances, for example, financing programs. Provider dealing power holds moderate quality which lies in the possession of the banks. Banks pick which payday establishment to work with dependent on that company’s execution. Without the help of banks â€Å"the supplier† there is no open door for progress, so the provider haggling power holds genuine quality in deciding the accomplishment of Cash Connection. In conclusion, Customer haggling power doesn't hold incredible force. The rates for every payday business are fundamentally the equivalent, and arranging isn't a possibility for purchasers in this industry. The five powers model uncovers that the payday loaning industry isn't perfect for those needing to deal with an effective business. It is exceptionally simple for contenders to enter the market, it is at risk for getting illicit, rivalry is savage, and the market as of now contains too much. The main impetuses that right now influence the payday loaning industry vary from tate to state. In South Carolina for instance, the most extreme advance sum is $550, the credit can't surpass 31 days, and A licensee will not charge, straightforwardly or in a roundabout way, an expense for other thought in overabundance of 15% of the face measure of the check† (Morton, 2012). Likewise a few distinct acts were actualized by the Federal Government to address the various issues related with payday loaning that have an impact, compelling organizations like Cash Connection to make a technique and approach that agree to these guidelines.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Post 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Post 6 - Essay Example On the off chance that the land isn't available to be purchased, I would have a go at doing this business myself. With respect to the organizations liable for the assurance of untamed life, this resembles going so far in the endeavor to shield the privileges of the creatures that the privileges of people begin getting damaged. So I might likewise want to call a public interview stressing that the organizations ensuring animals’ rights need to survey their practices as they have begun to secure animals’ interests on the expense of humans’! It is time that the crucial predominance of people over creatures is recognized and this standard be alluded to in instances of common enthusiasm among people and creatures. My first colleague has made an awesome answer to the inquiry by bringing into light the potential negative manners by which certain creatures that people will in general secure influence people. I am dazzled with the definite conversation of the genuine instances of bats and minnow that my colleague has refered to. I absolutely concur that the natural life ensuring organizations ought to consider the degree to which sparing certain species on the expense of humans’ interests is valuable for the earth. I likewise concur that any person possessing such a land parcel ought to be repaid by the administration. My subsequent schoolmate has offered various genial arrangements that might be considered to have the land proprietor remunerated without making any damage the jeopardized green-toed guttersnipe reptile. Sufficiently sure, the first and the preeminent response of each individual would be outrageous annoyance and aggravation. It would be the main goal of any reasonable individual to dispose of such property. It’s very reasonable also to consider offering the land to the legislature for charge exception if the deal is preposterous. I am especially intrigued with my classmate’s thought of bringing a premade house into

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Weekend Off

Weekend Off With the title of this entry, you might think I’m about to tell you my plans for the three-day weekend. Sorry, Chris Columbus. I’m actually talking about the weekend BEFORE that, which happened to be a rare breed of weekend. “Being hosed” is an MIT phrase meaning “having too much to do and not enough time to do it,” since getting an MIT education is like drinking from a firehose; rest assured, there are times when life at MIT gets a little more manageable. A “weekend off” happens once or twice every Cross Country or Track season, during which we don’t have a meet. Doesn’t sound like a big deal? Oh, it is. Many distance runners around the nation long for just one Saturday morning without a race on their mind and a meet that will last several hours on their schedule. Halloween the night before a meet? Save your candy ‘til later. Homecoming on Saturday night? Prepare to dance on sore legs. SAT test that morning? You can make it just in time to start warming up. The funny thing is that a “weekend off” isn’t really “off.” We’re definitely still running, but the fact that I can actually get homework done on a Saturday, or go grocery shopping, or do both AND watch an episode of “Glee” just blows my mind. Did I mention that, after my awesome weekend, my Wednesday problem set deadline got moved to Friday? So essentially all I had to do was study for my Genetics test. In my book, that’s a win. This was turning out to be the perfect storm of weekends off. And so this is what I did. Friday GEL Mentoring Social! You were probably wondering how I was going to tie this in with the GEL program. Well, since you asked, I attended the GEL Mentoring Social during our Friday afternoon Engineering Leadership Lab. The purpose of this social was to introduce the GEL students to their mentors, who have worked in industry professions and thus have some experience in engineering leadership. Each mentor has 3-4 mentees, so this was a good opportunity to get to know fellow GEL students as well! GEL Year Two students Elizabeth 11, Danielle 11, and Kevin 11 share a laugh during the Mentoring Social/font size=1 My mentor happens to be a member of the LGO (Leaders for Global Operations) Program at MIT, in which students receive a Masters degree in some area of engineering combined with an MBA from the Sloan School of Management. My group discussed everything from career aspirations to our weekend plans. Tortellini! Friday night dinners usually include pasta because that’s what a lot of runners like to eat the night before a race. This Friday night dinner was no different, except I made the pasta. Yes, I made it, wondering Why haven’t I made pasta before?! It’s so fun! A group of us in the Tech Catholic Community made plates and plates of tortellini and it was delicious! Saturday GEL Picnic! After getting to know our mentors the day before, the GEL students gathered on Kresge Lawn for a typical, fun picnic. And by “typical” I mean “featuring a competition between table groups that had us darting all around campus and answering the most random engineering-related trivia questions ever.” GEL Assistant Student Leader Ian 11 gives us instructions for the GEL Picnic competition/font size=1 Basically, the GEL staff posted signs around campus, each of which had a corresponding number and trivia question. Our goal was to find these signs, record the number and question, and report back to the picnic spot in less than an hour. GEL students await the start of the competition on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon/font size=1 Points were awarded based on how many signs we visited and how many questions we answered correctly. We were given three campus maps, one of which told us where each station was; my team simply copied the information onto the two blank maps and set off in different groups. These are just a few of the questions we faced. How many of these can you answer? What is 78% N2, 21% O2, 0.9% Ar, 0.033% CO2, 18ppm Ne, and 5ppm He? What is What is Y=stress/strain? What is CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3? Well, our team didn’t win, but we did enjoy the picnic! Some groups brought in really fabulous food to go along with the barbecue fare! Adrian 12 wowed everyone with his creme brulee-flaming skills/font size=1 (left) The MIT work/play balance in action: GEL Year Two students Anjaney 11 (left) and Matt 11 (right) have fun while Adrian 12 diligently prepares his dessert. (right) Leo McGonagle, Executive Director of the GEL Program, asks Danielle 11 about her teams performance in the competition./font size=1 Oh, wait, Genetics test! I mean, clean my room! Just as I was about to sit down to continue the studying I had started earlier in the week, I realized that cleaning my room was a higher priority. But this wasn’t my typical “fold my clothes, clear my desk” kind of cleaning. This was “I am going to make shelf labels so I can finally know where all my stuff is, and then I will clean the floor, and then I will finally unpack the one box that had been sitting in the corner of my room since Orientation” kind of cleaning. And it felt awesome. I have a clear desk again. Okay, really Genetics study time! Clearly, my cleaning escapade had completely sidetracked me, so I needed to get out of my room if I was going to have any chance of focusing on Genetics. I gathered all my materials and set up camp in Baker House’s quiet study room. I love this room! It’s a little hidden, so there are zero distractions, and lots of desk space to spread out! I love this room! It’s a little hidden, so there are zero distractions, and offers lots of desk space to spread out! Enough studying! Movie! Two things I do significantly less of when I’m at MIT is drive and watch movies. I emailed out to my sorority, Pi Beta Phi, and asked if anyone wanted to see the cheesy, “Mean Girls-esque” high-school comedy film, “Easy A.” We filled an entire row at the theater, and got some frozen yogurt at Berryline afterwards. As a Californian, I’ve tried my fair share of yogurt chains, but this one had evaded me until this weekend. I full-heartedly enjoyed my kiwi, mango, strawberry topping combination. Sunday Early Run! I love morning runs. They make me feel so productive and it’s rather nice to get out before the campus turns into its usual bustling self. Here’s a fact: not many college students are awake at 7:00 on a Sunday morning. I’m pretty sure most of the ones still awake just hadn’t gone to bed yet. Baker desk! This is, in my opinion, the best job for students. Working at the front desk of a dorm means you meet a lot of residents, help them check out movies and room keys, and maintain dorm security. Plus, you’re essentially being paid to do homework or watch movies on your laptop. Last Genetics study period! I find myself studying Genetics yet again. I take a practice test in testing conditions (at a clear desk, without notes, timing it with a stopwatch) and it doesn’t go too well. That’s okay. I definitely prefer identifying my weak points in the course material a day before the test rather than during the test itself. After a few more hours of reviewing, I’m ready to go. So there you have it. When I went to bed on Sunday, I reveled in my clean room, my Genetics preparedness, and my good memories from a well-spent “weekend off.”

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Effects of Video Games on Children - 800 Words

The Effects of Video Games on Children Many people claim that violent video games are desensitizing children to violence, and making them more hostile and aggressive in social situations. Many video games nowadays have some sort of violence. These games can range from mild to extremely brutal. When children are exposed to these games, they very well could affect how children think. These games, when exposed to children, will, in fact, make them desensitized to violence, and even become violent themselves. The largest group that plays video games is children. The majority of these games are violent, to a ranging extent. Most of these games are played on evenings or weekends, at their homes. Video games are a very common past-time. The†¦show more content†¦Considering stores are the primary source of obtaining video games, this law is very effective. Another step has been taken by researchers to prevent the children from getting these games. Many scientific studies support tha t violent video games can affect the behavior of children. â€Å"The Parents Television Council has found more than 3,000 studies linking a child’s consumption of violent media to a child’s behavior, yet we’ve found less two dozen that conclude differently† (Winter). Numerous studies of the effect of violent games (and other forms of media) on children have been conducted. Several thousands of these supporting that children are affected by them, against less than two dozen, says that there is an effect on the children. This is because children are actually choosing what happens when they play. The choice would have a much stronger psychological influence than watching a violent movie, because the children would be seeing and acting the violence. Abundant amounts of children exposed to video games become desensitized to violence. â€Å"Social psychologist decided to show students violent pictures: one of a man shoving a gun down another man’s throa t, a second of a man holding a knife to a woman’s throat. Dr. Brad Bushman (Social Psychologist): What we found is for people who were exposed to a lot of violent video games, their brains did not respond to the violent images. They were numb, if you will† (Renee). This study shows that video gamesShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Video Games On Children Essay1279 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Video games have always been a controversial type of entertainment, that may come from how relatively new video games are compared to other mediums of entertainment[1]. Maybe because of that when a violent crime occurs and the culprit has played a lot of games the media is quick to point at violent games as the reason for the crime, but is that true or are the media just biased or looking for quick views, this report aims to answer that question. Do games affect our way of thinkingRead MoreEffects Of Video Games On Children Essay1357 Words   |  6 PagesScreening to a halt: Are parents in New Zealand able to identify signs of dependency or addiction in their children due to over use of screen-time from the recreational use of video games? Digital technology and the vast amount of video games have increased the amount of screen time consumption in contemporary New Zealand society. The saturation of smart phones, ipad’s, tablets, computers, game consoles and the Internet are devices with the means of connection to gaming. Many New Zealand families integrateRead MoreThe Effects of Video Games on Children1288 Words   |  6 PagesThe Effects of Video Games on Children Technology today has progressed rapidly from generation to generation. Children and young adults are both into video games and the latest gadgets out there. Video games have been available to customers for the last 30 years. They are a unique way to entertain individuals because they encourage players to become a part of the games script. Victor Strasburger an author of â€Å"Children, Adolescents, and the media† stated â€Å"The rising popularity of video games hasRead MoreThe Effects of Video and Video Games on Children2043 Words   |  8 Pagesaction, usually in a cartoon, movie, or video game. For many of us, Disney is where we refer back to early forms of animation with the idea of using thousands of consecutive drawings; through Disney, we can now see how far this idea of breathing life into static objects has advanced. Today, animation is becoming more and more realistic. With highly advanced technology and computer programs, it has become easier for simple cartoons to develop into what children see as real life. These animated cartoonsRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Children1548 Words   |  7 PagesVideo Games Introduction Today video games are a staple in most households. It is pretty amazing to know that the first creation of games date all the way back to the 1900s. They were not originally invented to make a profit, but to give patients something to do while waiting in the lobby of an office. One inventor had a simple idea of using the monitor not just as a television set, but as a way to play games. College students were just playing around with equipment and happened upon something greatRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Children927 Words   |  4 PagesVideo games are a more interesting form of entertainment for the simple reason that players may become part of the game’s plot. Video games were invented for many years now. However, the current variety of games raised concerns about how they affect the children s behavior due to the fact that the games are becoming more sophisticated. Children spend most of their free time playing video games. Sometimes children refrain from completi ng important duties and dedicate all of their time playing videoRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Children940 Words   |  4 Pageswas bored they went outside to play, they created new games, or they played with friends. But, for the past three decades, video games and other digital media have been persuading many adolescents and children to spend the majority of their time playing them. Video games seem to satisfy children’s natural need to interact socially, however more often than not, they lead to social isolation. Overexposure to digital media, such as video games is detrimental to the health and function of a child’sRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Children1519 Words   |  7 PagesVideo games in the 21st century have transformed from friendly competing into guns, explosions, and major violence. Video games are getting away with more violence every year and the games are becoming more extreme. The consistence and severity of violence is at an a ll-time high leading the most popular games in the gaming community to have a ‘mature’ rating due to the considerable amount of violence involved. For example, one of the highest selling video games of all time grossing one billion itsRead MoreThe Effects of Video Games on Children1656 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction For more than 30 years, video gaming has been a popular activity amongst many of America’s children. With over $63 billion (Reuters, worth sold each year, video games are here to stay. While much controversy has arisen over the subject, video games have benefited the United States of America and its citizens to a great degree. For example, the military and CIA use gaming to train soldiers (Davidson,, and classrooms use video games to teach students. The potentialRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Children1034 Words   |  5 PagesThe world of today has developed in a way that even children are affected by technology. They enjoy video games in their leisure time and even prefer them to studying that, in its turn, can contribute to their poor performance in the class. These days, video games have become an issue that has brought concern to many people from parents to scholars about their potential effect on the future of children through influenci ng their conduct. They feel that the violent behavior or any other negative consequence

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How to Use the Particles O and No in Japanese

A particle is a word that shows the relationship of a word, a phrase, or a clause, to the rest of the sentence. The Japanese particles o and no are commonly used and have many functions depending on how it is used it a sentence. Read on for an explanation of these different usages. The Particle "O" The particle o is always written as ã‚’ not 㠁Š. "O": Direct Object Marker When o is placed after a noun, that indicates that the noun is the direct object. Below are a sentence examples of the o particle being used as a direct object marker. Kinou eiga o mimashita. æ˜ ¨Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¦Ëœ  Ã§â€ »Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¨ ¦â€¹Ã£  ¾Ã£ â€"㠁Ÿã€‚--- I watched the movie yesterday.Kutsu o kaimashita. é  ´Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¨ ² ·Ã£ â€žÃ£  ¾Ã£ â€"㠁Ÿã€‚--- I bought shoes.Chichi wa maiasa Koohii o nomimasu. çˆ ¶Ã£  ¯Ã¦ ¯Å½Ã¦Å" Ã£â€š ³Ã£Æ' ¼Ã£Æ'’ãÆ' ¼Ã£â€šâ€™Ã© £ ²Ã£  ¿Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š--- My father has coffee every morning. While o marks the direct object, some English verbs used in Japanese take the particle ga instead of o. There are not many of these verbs, but here are some examples. hoshii æ ¬ ²Ã£ â€"㠁„ --- to wantsuki Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã£   --- to likekirai Ã¥ «Å'㠁„ --- to dislikekikoeru è Å¾Ã£ â€œÃ£ Ë†Ã£â€šâ€¹ --- to be able to hearmieru è ¦â€¹Ã£ Ë†Ã£â€šâ€¹ --- to be able to seewakaru 分㠁‹ã‚‹ --- to understand "O": Route of Motion Verbs such as walk, run, pass, turn, drive and go through using the particle o to indicate the route that the movement follows.   Here are sentence examples of o used to indicate the route of motion. Basu wa toshokan no mae o toorimasu. ãÆ' Ã£â€š ¹Ã£  ¯Ã¥â€º ³Ã¦â€º ¸Ã© ¤ ¨Ã£  ®Ã¥â€° Ã£â€šâ€™Ã©â‚¬Å¡Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š--- The bus passes in front of the library.Tsugi no kado o magatte kudasai. æ ¬ ¡Ã£  ®Ã¨ §â€™Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¦â€º ²Ã£ Å'㠁 £Ã£  ¦Ã£  Ã£   Ã£ â€¢Ã£ â€žÃ£â‚¬â€š--- Please turn the next corner.Dono michi o tootte kuukou ni ikimasu ka. 㠁 ©Ã£  ®Ã© â€œÃ£â€šâ€™Ã©â‚¬Å¡Ã£  £Ã£  ¦Ã§ © ºÃ¦ ¸ ¯Ã£  «Ã¨ ¡Å'㠁 Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬â€š--- Which road do you take to get to the airport? "O": Point of Departure Verbs such as to leave, come out, or get off take the particle o to mark the place from which one gets off or leaves.   The following are sample sentences of the o particle used to indicate a point of departure. Hachi-ji ni ie o demasu. å… «Ã¦â„¢â€šÃ£  «Ã¥ ® ¶Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¥â€¡ ºÃ£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š--- I leave home at eight oclock.Kyonen koukou o sotsugyou shimashita. åŽ »Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã© «ËœÃ¦   ¡Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¥ â€™Ã¦ ¥ ­Ã£ â€"㠁 ¾Ã£ â€"㠁Ÿã€‚--- I graduated from high school last year.Asu Tokyo o tatte pari ni ikimasu. 明æâ€" ¥Ã¦  ±Ã¤ º ¬Ã£â€šâ€™Ã§â„¢ ºÃ£  £Ã£  ¦Ã£Æ'‘ãÆ' ªÃ£  «Ã¨ ¡Å'㠁 Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š --- I’m leaving Tokyo for Paris tomorrow. "O": Specific Occupation or Position In this case, the particle o indicates a specific occupation or position, which is usually followed by ~shiteiru or ~shiteimasu. See the following sentences for examples.   Tomoko no otousan wa bengoshi o shiteiru. æ™ ºÃ¥ ­ Ã£  ®Ã£ Å Ã§Ë† ¶Ã£ â€¢Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£  ¯Ã¥ ¼ Ã¨ ­ ·Ã¥ £ «Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€¹Ã£â‚¬â€š --- Tomokos father is a lawyer.Watashi no ane wa kangofu o shiteimasu. ç § Ã£  ®Ã¥ §â€°Ã£  ¯Ã§Å"‹è ­ ·Ã¥ © ¦Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š --- My sister is a nurse. The Particle "No" The particle no is written out as  Ã£  ®.   "No": Possessive Marker No indicates ownership or attribution. It is similar to the English apostrophe s (s). These sample sentences show how the no particle is used as a possessive marker. Kore wa watashi no hon desu. 㠁“ã‚Å'㠁 ¯Ã§ § Ã£  ®Ã¦Å" ¬Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š--- This is my book.Watashi no ane wa Tokyo ni sunde imasu. ç § Ã£  ®Ã¥ §â€°Ã£  ¯Ã¦  ±Ã¤ º ¬Ã£  «Ã¤ ½ Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£  §Ã£ â€žÃ£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š--- My sister lives in Tokyo.Watashi no kaban no nakani kagi ga arimasu. ç § Ã£  ®Ã£ â€¹Ã£  °Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£  ®Ã¤ ¸ ­Ã£  «Ã©  µÃ£ Å'㠁‚り㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š--- There is a key in my bag. Note that the final noun can be omitted if it is clear to both speaker and listener. For example: Are wa watashi no (kuruma) desu. 㠁‚ã‚Å'㠁 ¯Ã§ § Ã£  ®(è »Å )㠁 §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š--- That is mine (my car). "No": Indicating Position or Location To indicate the relative location of the first noun in a sentence, the no particle is used. Take these phrases for instance: tsukue no ue æÅ" ºÃ£  ®Ã¤ ¸Å  --- on the deskisu no shita 㠁„㠁™ã  ®Ã¤ ¸â€¹ --- under the chairgakkou o tonari Ã¥ ­ ¦Ã¦   ¡Ã£  ®Ã©Å¡ £ --- next to the schoolkouen no mae --- å… ¬Ã¥Å"’㠁 ®Ã¥â€°  --- in front of the parkwatashi no ushiro ç § Ã£  ®Ã¥ ¾Å'ã‚  --- behind me "No": Noun Modification The noun before no modifies the noun after no. This usage is similar to the possessive, but it is seen more with compound nouns or noun phrases. The following sentences show how the no particle can be used to modify a noun. Nihongo no jugyou wa tanoshii desu. æâ€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã¨ ªÅ¾Ã£  ®Ã¦Å½Ë†Ã¦ ¥ ­Ã£  ¯Ã¦ ¥ ½Ã£ â€"㠁„㠁 §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š--- The Japanese class is interesting.Bijutsu no hon o sagashite imasu. ç ¾Å½Ã¨ ¡â€œÃ£  ®Ã¦Å" ¬Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¦Å½ ¢Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š--- I am looking for a book on fine arts. No as a noun modifier can be used many times in one sentence. In this usage, the order of nouns in Japanese is the reverse of English. The normal Japanese order is from large to small, or general to specific. Osaka daigaku no nihongo no sensei Ã¥ ¤ §Ã©Ëœ ªÃ¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ­ ¦Ã£  ®Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã¨ ªÅ¾Ã£  ®Ã¥â€¦Ë†Ã§â€Å¸ --- a teacher of Japanese at Osaka universityyooroppa no kuni no namae ãÆ' ¨Ã£Æ' ¼Ã£Æ' ­Ã£Æ'Æ'ãÆ'‘㠁 ®Ã¥â€º ½Ã£  ®Ã¥  Ã¥â€°  --- the names of the countries in Europe "No": Apposition The no particle can also show that the first noun is in apposition to the second noun. For instance: Tomodachi no Keiko-san desu. Ã¥ â€¹Ã© â€Ã£  ®Ã¦  µÃ¥ ­ Ã£ â€¢Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š--- This is my friend, Keiko.Bengoshi no Tanaka-san wa itsumo isogashisou da. Ã¥ ¼ Ã¨ ­ ·Ã¥ £ «Ã£  ®Ã§â€ °Ã¤ ¸ ­Ã£ â€¢Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£  ¯Ã£ â€žÃ£  ¤Ã£â€šâ€šÃ¥ ¿â„¢Ã£ â€"㠁 Ã£ â€ Ã£   Ã£â‚¬â€š --- The lawyer, Mr. Tanaka seems to be busy all the time.Ano hachijussai no obaasan wa ki ga wakai. 㠁‚㠁 ®Ã¥â€¦ «Ã¥  Ã¦ ­ ³Ã£  ®Ã£ Å Ã£  °Ã£ â€šÃ£ â€¢Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£  ¯Ã¦ °â€"㠁Å'è‹ ¥Ã£ â€žÃ£â‚¬â€š --- That eighty-year-old woman has a youthful spirit. "No": Sentence Ending Particle No is also used at the end of a sentence. Read up on ​sentence ending particles to learn about the usage.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Education in Great Britain Free Essays

————————————————- EDUCATION IN GREAT BRITAIN 6/7. Great   Britain   does   not   have   a   written   constitution,   so   there   are   no   constitutional   provisions   for   education. The   system   of   education   is   determined   by   the   National   Education   Acts. We will write a custom essay sample on Education in Great Britain or any similar topic only for you Order Now Schools   in   England   are   supported   from   public   funds   paid   to   the   local   education   authorities. These   local   education   authorities   are   responsible   for   organizing   the   schools   in   their   areas   and   they   themselves   choose   how   to   do   it. Let’s   outline   the   basic   features   of   public   education   in  Britain. Firstly,   there   are   wide   variations   between   one   part   of   the   country   and   another. For   most   educational   purposes   England   and   Wales   are   treated   as   one   unit,   though   the   system   in   Wales   is   a   little   different   from   that   of  England. Scotland   and  Northern   Ireland   have   their   own   education   systems. Secondly,   education   in   Britain   mirrors   the   country’s   social   system:   it   is   class-divided   and   selective. The   first   division   is   between   those   who   pay   and   those   who   do   not   pay. The   majority   of   schools   in   Britain   are   supported   by   public   funds   and   the   education   provided   is   free. They   are   maintained   schools,   but   there   is   also   a   considerable   number   of   public   schools. Parents   have   to   pay   fees   to   send   their   children   to   these   schools. The   fees   are   high. As   a   matter   of   fact,   only   very   rich   families   can   send   their   children   to   public   schools   as   well   as   to   the   best   universities,   such   as   Oxford   and  Cambridge. Another   important   feature   of   schooling   in   Britain   is   a   variety   of   opportunities   offered   to   schoolchildren. The   English   school   syllabus   is   divided   into   Arts   (or   Humanities)   and   Sciences,   which   determine   the   division   of   the   secondary   school   pupils   into   study   groups:   a   Science   pupil   will   study   Chemistry,   Physics,   Mathematics   (Maths),   Economics,   Technical   Drawing,   Biology,   Geography;   an   Art   pupil   will   do   the   English   Language   and   Literature,   History,   foreign   languages,   Music,   Art,   Drama. Besides   these   subjects   they   must   do   some   general   education   subjects   like   Physical   Education   (PE),   Home   Economics   for   girls,   and   Technical   subjects   for   boys,   General   Science. Computers   play an   important   part   in   education. There   is   a   system   of   careers   education   for   schoolchildren   in  Britain. It   is   a   three-year   course. The   system   of   option   exists   in   all   kinds   of   secondary   schools. Besides,   the   structure   of   the   curriculum   and   the   organization   of   teaching   vary   from   school   to   school. Headmasters   and   headmistresses   of   schools   are   given   a   great   deal   of   freedom   in   deciding   what   is   taught   and   how   in   their   schools   so   that   there   is   really   no   central   control   at   all   over   individual   schools. The   National   Education   Act   of   1944   provided   three   stages   of   education;   primary,   secondary   and   further   education. Compulsory   schooling   in   England   and   Wales   lasts   11   years,   from   the   age   of   5   to   16. After   the   age   of   16   a   growing   number   of   school   students   are   staying   on   at   school,   some   until   18   or   19,   the   age   of   entry   into   higher   education   in   universities   and   Polytechnics. British   university   courses   are   rather   short,   generally   lasting   for   3   years. The   cost   of   education   depends   on   the   college   and   speciality   which   one   chooses. Pre-primary   and   Primary   Education Nurseries. Primary   School. Streaming. The   Eleven   Plus   Examination. No   More   of   It? In   some   areas   of   England   there   are   nursery   schools  Ã‚  3   for   children   under   5   years   of   age. Some   children   between   two   and   five   receive   education   in   nursery   classes   or   in   infants   classes   in   primary   schools. Many   children   attend   informal   pre-school   play-groups   organized   by   parents   in   private   homes. Nursery   schools   are   staffed   with   teachers   and   students   in   training. There   are   all   kinds   of   toys   to   keep   the   children   busy   from   9   o’clock   in   the   morning   till   4   o’clock   in   the   afternoon   –   while   their   parents   are   at   work. Here   the   babies   play,   lunch   and   sleep. They   can   run   about   and   play   in   safety   with   someone   keeping   an   eye   on   them. For   day   nurseries   which   remain   open   all   the   year   round   (he   parents   pay   according   to   their   income. The   local   education   authority’s   nurseries   are   free. But   only   about   three   children   in   100   can   go   to   them:   there   aren’t   enough   places,   and   the   waiting   lists   are   rather   long. Most   children   start   school   at   5   in   a   primary   school. A   primary   school   may   be divided   into   two   parts   -infants   and   juniors. At   infants   school   reading,   writing   and   arithmetic   are   taught   for   about   20   minutes   a   day   during   the   first   year,   gradually   increasing   to   about   2   hours   in   their   last   year. There   is   usually   no   written   timetable. Much   time   is   spent   in   modelling   from   clay   or   drawing,   reading   or   singing. By   the   time   children   are   ready   for   the   junior   school   they   will   be   able   to   read   and   write,   do   simple   addition   and   subtraction   of   numbers. At   7   children   go   on   from   the   infants   school   to   the   junior   school. This   marks   the   transition   from   play   to   â€Å"real   work†. The   children   have   set   periods   of   arithmetic,   reading   and   composition   which   are   all   Eleven   Plus   subjects. History,   Geography,   Nature   Study,   Art   and   Music,   Physical   Education,   Swimming   are   also   on   the   timetable. Pupils   are   streamed   according   to   their   abilities   to   learn   into   A,   B,   ?   and   D   streams. The   least   gifted   are   in   the   D   stream. Formally   towards   the   end   of   their   fourth   year   the   pupils   wrote   their   Eleven   Plus   Examination. The   hated   11   +   examination   was   a   selective   procedure   on   which   not   only   the   pupils’   future   schooling   but   their   future   careers   depended. The   abolition   of   selection   at   Eleven   Plus   Examination   brought   to   life   comprehensive   schools   where   pupils   can   get   secondary   education. Secondary   Education Comprehensive   Schools. Grammar   Schools. Secondary   Modern   Schools. The   Sixth   Form. No   More   Inequality?. Cuts   on   School   Spending After   the   age   of   11,   most   children   go   to   comprehensive   schools   of   which   the   majority   are   for   both   —boys   and   girls. About   90   per   cent   of   all   state-financed   secondary   schools   are   of   this   type. Most   other   children   receive   secondary   education   in   grammar   and   secondary   modern   schools. Comprehensive   schools   were   introduced   in   1965. The   idea   of   comprehensive   education,   supported   by   the   Labour   Party,   was   to   give   all   children   of   whatever   background   the   same   opportunity   in   education. Only   about   20   per   cent   of   children   study   for   the   General   Certificate   of   Education,   Ordinary   Level   (GCE   ?-level). Most   children   do   not   pass   GCE   examinations. They   leave   school   at   16   without   any   real   qualification   and   more   often than   not   increase   the   ranks   of   unemployed   people. Pupils   of   modern   schools   take   their   Certificate   of   Secondary   Education   (CSE)   examinations   while   in   grammar   schools   almost   all   children   stay   to   sixteen   to   take   ?-levels. More   than   half   of   them   stay   on   to   take   ?-levels. Some   comprehensive   and   many   secondary   schools,   however,   do   not   have   enough   academic   courses   for   sixth-formers. Pupils   can   transfer   either   to   a   grammar   school   or   to   a   sixth-form   college   to   get   the   courses   they   want. The   majority   of   schools   in  Scotland   are   six-year   comprehensives. Secondary   education   in   Northern   Ireland   is   organized   along   selective   lines   according   to   children’s   abilities. One   can   hardly   say   that   high   quality   secondary   education   is   provided   for   all   in  Britain. There   is   a   high   loss   of   pupils   from   working-class   families   at   entry   into   the   sixth   form. If   you   are   a   working-class   child   at   school   today,   the   chance   of   your   reaching   the   second   year   of   a   sixth-   form   course   is   probably   less   than   one-twelfth   of   that   for   the   child   of   a   professional   parent. Besides,   government   cuts   on   school   spending   caused   many   difficulties. Secondary   School   Examinations Time   for   Examinations. GCE. CSE. The   Sixth   Forms. CEE. GCSE Pupils   at   secondary   schools   in   England   (that   is,   pupils   between   the   ages   of   twelve   and   eighteen)   have   two   main   exams   to   worry   about,   both   called   GCE   —   General   Certificate   of   Education. They   take   the   first   one   when   they   are   about   fifteen. It’s   called   O-   level. There   is   an   exam   which   you   can   take   instead   of   ?-level:   it   is   called   the   CSE   (Certificate   of   Secondary   Education),   and   it   is   not   as   difficult   as   O-level. Most   pupils   take   ?-level   in   about   seven   or   eight   different   subjects. There   are   lots   of   subjects   to   choose   from   —everything   from   carpentry   to   ancient   languages. For   a   lot   of   jobs,   such   as   nursing,   or   assistant   librarian,   you   must   have   four   or   five   ?-levels,   and   usually   these   must   include   English   and   Maths. You   may   leave   school   when   you   are   16. But   if   you   stay   at   school   after   taking   ?-level,   you   go   into   the   sixth   form. The   sixth   forms   and   sixth-form   colleges   offer   a   wide   range   of   courses. Ordinary   level   alternative,   CEE   (Certificate   of   Extended Education)   and   CSE   courses   are   offered   to   pupils   who   need   qualifications   at   a   lower   level. But   if   you   have   made   up   your   mind   to   gain   entry   to   a   university,   Polytechnic   or   college   of   further   education   you   have   to   start   working   for   the   second   main   examination   —   A-level. Most   people   take   ?-level   when   they   are   about   eighteen. It   is   quite   a   difficult   exam,   so   people   don’t   usually   take   it   in   more   than   3   subjects—   and   some   only   in   one   or   two   subjects. Three   ?-levels   are   enough   to   get   you   in   to   most   universities. For   others,   such   as   Oxford   and  Cambridge,   you   have   to   take   special   exams   as   well. A   new   school-leaving   certificate   is   planned,   however,   and   O-level   and   CSE   will   be   replaced   by   one   public   exam,   the   General   Certificate   of   Secondary   Education   (GCSE). It   is   to   show   how   children   worked   throughout   5   years   of   secondary   school. 5. Parliamentary elections in the United Kingdom should be seen as a referendum on the performance of sitting MPs, not merely as a snapshot nationwide opinion poll determining party voting weights for the next Parliament. The electoral system affects the degree to which voters may hold their representatives to account for their actions in the previous Parliament; changes which would diminish this accountability mechanism should be resisted. The UK presently has a legislature whose unelected chamber better reflects the relative strength of the Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and None of the Above parties. Conversely, if Labour and the Conservatives each won 50% of the vote, the other chamber would have a sizable Labour majority. 51% of the seats in the Lower House delivers 100% of the power, and this can be captured by Labour on about 40% of the vote. Nevertheless, whenever Labour runs into opposition from the chamber which, in any other context, would be described as more â€Å"representative† by people who go in for that kind of thing, it threatens to force its legislation through under the Parliament Acts, on the grounds that the Lower House is more â€Å"democratic†. The Lower House  is  more democratic. Contrary to the self-serving views of the Liberal Democrats and other jejune supporters of electoral â€Å"reform†, what matters for democracy is not representativeness or proportionality, so much as accountability and responsiveness. When MPs behave in accordance with their constituents’ wishes, this is to be preferred to their merely existing in party groupings of such sizes as best reflect their constituents’ choices at the previous election. When discussing electoral reform in the UK, retaining a â€Å"constituency link† is often posited as a requirement. That is to say, it is felt to be necessary that everyone should have an MP who is in some sense â€Å"theirs†, normally meaning that people are grouped into geographical areas and each area gets its own MP. A weaker version of this permits multiple MPs for each area. This is supposed to be good because it means that there’s automatically someone in Parliament to go to with one’s grievances. There is a much better reason why it happens to be good. If we merely say that everyone must have one or a small number of MPs, that does not imply that every MP must have his own constituency. The German federal electoral system and its antipodean imitator in New Zealand affords MPs who have no constituencies: they are elected from party lists and assigned in such numbers as ensure that the proportion of MPs in each party in the chamber match the proportion of the vote each party won. This category of MPs shares the same vice as MPs in a chamber fully elected by a proportional system: they can’t be voted out of office directly. If your MP decides to go against the wishes of his constituents, they can contact him and say, â€Å"Hi, your majority at the last election was 2000; we, the undersigned 1001 who voted for you last time will vote against your party next time unless you buck the whip on this issue we care about. † The easier it is to do this, the more likely the behaviour of an MP will reflect the wishes of constituents. Don’t believe the canard about votes not counting: every vote against the person who won counts against his majority and makes him more susceptible to pressure from his constituents before the next election. The electoral system can restrain this tactic. It works well under First Past The Post, and similar systems. Generally, increasing the number of MPs who represent a single constituency has the effect of making this tactic harder, as the punishment from electors may be spread across several MPs, especially if the electors cannot choose which MPs from a paricular party get the benefit of their vote. This is a notorious problem with the European Parliamentary elections in Great Britain: if some MEP is the ringleader for a particularly odious policy, she cannot easily be voted out without voting out the colleagues from her party. Even when a free choice on the preferential ordering of MPs is permitted, it is difficult to stop the disliked MP from riding back to election on the coattails of his more popular colleagues. So, in order of preferability, the electoral systems rank as follows: * First Past The Post, and Alternative Vote Single Transferable Vote in multimember constituencies * Proper Proportional Representation systems with open lists * Proper Proportional Representation systems with closed lists Having said all this, it must be stressed that electoral reform for the House of Commons should not be considered in isolation from the composition of the other chamber, and the relation between the Commons and three other institutions: the executive, the House of lords, and the courts. Some notes: Alternative Vote is the Australian name for a system which when used in single-member constituencies is identical to STV: electors rank the candidates in order of preference, and the least popular candidate is repeatedly eliminated until someone has over 50%; essentially, once a candidate is eliminated, a vote is regarded as counting for whichever remaining candidate was most preferred by its caster. The effect of this system tends to be obliteration of extremists without penalising or â€Å"wasting† protest votes. It should be noted that in the British debate, â€Å"Proportional Representation† is used to mean proper PR systems  and  STV/AV. The Australian Electoral Commission  used  to have an excellent webpage with a classification of all the electoral systems used in Australia’s twenty-odd legislative chambers, but they’ve apparently improved it off their site now. Other fallacious views on electoral systems which it is useful to rebut at this juncture include the contention that FPTP entrenches a two-party system (in fact, the number of parties is contingent on the geographical concentration of voters), that AV in the UK in 1997 would have led to a larger Labour majority (only if you didn’t tell people and the parties what the electoral system was in advance, otherwise the parties would have behaved differently), and that geographical constituencies are a relic of a bygone age and are being replaced by PR across Europe, or at least the world. FPTP is described by Hilaire Barnett in her militantly Anglosceptic tome on the British constitution as â€Å"still† existing in some dusty English-speaking corners of the planet; in fact some countries using PR have been moving towards constituencies: Italy did in the 1990s, and the Dutch are considering a similar move. 2. POLITICAL PARTIES The idea of political parties first took form in Britain and the Conservative Party claims to be the oldest political party in the world. Political parties began to form during the English civil wars of the 1640s and 1650s. First, there were Royalists and Parliamentarians; then Tories and Whigs. Whereas the Whigs wanted to curtail the power of the monarch, the Tories – today the Conservatives – were seen as the patriotic party. Today there are three major political parties in the British system of politics: * The Labour Party – the centre-Left party currently led by Ed Miliband * The Conservative Party (frequently called the Tories) – the centre-Right party currently led by David Cameron * The Liberal Democrat Party (known as the Lib Dems) – the centrist, libertarian party currently led by Nick Clegg In addition to these three main parties, there are some much smaller UK parties (notably the UK Independence Party and the Green Party) and some parties which operate specifically in Scotland (the Scottish National Party), Wales (Plaid Cymru) or Northern Ireland (such as Sinn Fein for the nationalists and the Democratic Unionist Party for the loyalists). Each political party chooses its leader in a different way, but all involve all the Members of Parliament of the party and all the individual members of that party. By convention, the leader of the political party with the largest number of members in the House of Commons becomes the Prime Minster (formally at the invitation of the Queen). Political parties are an all-important feature of the British political system because: * The three main political parties in the UK have existed for a century or more and have a strong and stable ‘brand image’. * It is virtually impossible for someone to be elected to the House of Commons without being a member of an established political party. * All political parties strongly ‘whip’ their elected members which means that, on the vast majority of issues, Members of Parliament of the same party vote as a ‘block’. Having said this, the influence of the hree main political parties is not as dominant as it was in the 1940s and 1950s because: * The three parties have smaller memberships than they did since voters are much less inclined to join a political party. * The three parties secure a lower overall percentage of the total vote since smaller parties between them now take a growing share of the vote. * Voters are much less ‘tribal’, supporting the same party at every election, and much more likely to ‘float, voting for different parties at successive elections. * The ideological differences between the parties are less than they were with the parties adopting more ‘pragmatic’ positions on many issues. In the past, class was a major determinant of voting intention in British politics, with most working class electors voting Labour and most middle class electors voting Conservative. These days, class is much less important because: * Working class numbers have shrunk and now represent only 43% of the electorate. * Except at the extremes of wealth, lifestyles are more similar. * Class does not determine voting intention so much as values, trust and competence. In the British political system, there is a broad consensus between the major parties on: * the rule of law * the free market economy * the national health service * UK membership of European Union and NATO The main differences between the political parties concern: * how to tackle poverty and inequality * the levels and forms of taxation * the extent of state intervention in the economy * the balance between collective rights and individual rights How to cite Education in Great Britain, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Mis - Case Study free essay sample

Unraveling the Jargon The consultant’s reply was: â€Å"In my investigation of your applications portfolios, I’ve applied †¦ to the logical data structures and have discovered a very high frequency – approximately 93. 286% of data embedded in application program logic which is largely responsible for the integrity and synchronization problem currently being encountered. As a solution, I would recommend the design of a master database each of which would employ relational technology to reduce the database to third normal form. This would eliminate the possibility of semantic disintegrity upon querying the database. † Questions: a. Try to guess what the consultant said? b. Justify the use of technical jargon. What the consultant was trying to say is that base on his investigation, with the expertise that he have and upon checking the folder where the database application is placed, he already found the cause of an error or problem within the database. The problem is data overloading. Data Overloading means that there are many unused or inappropriate data that was inserted inside the database application. The solution is to redesign the database and transform it into a new form which is called â€Å"Third Normal Form. † The database is said to be in third normal form where in each non-primary entity is independent with each other. Transforming the data base in the third normal will eliminate semantic integrity or an illogical or incorrect placement of values in the database. Using technical jargon is appropriate whenever the one you are talking to is at the same expertise as yours. Many people are considering it useful for the people inside a professional field. They can use jargon to get information faster. Some people use technical jargon to make oneself seem superior by using words and terms that others cannot understand. Technical jargons are recommended to use but in the right time, the right place and with the right people where they can understand the terms that you are using. Case 2: Information System in Restaurant A waiter takes an order at a table, and then enters it online via one of the six terminals located in the restaurant dining room. The order is routed to a printer in the appropriate preparation area: the cold item printer if it is a salad, the hot-item printer if it is a hot sandwich or the bar printer if it is a drink. A customer’s meal check-listing (bill) the items ordered and the respective prices are automatically generated. This ordering system eliminates the old three-carbon-copy guest check system as well as any problems caused by a waiter’s handwriting. When the kitchen runs out of a food item, the cooks send out an ‘out of stock’ message, which will be displayed on the dining room terminals when waiters try to order that item. This gives the waiters faster feedback, enabling them to give better service to the customers. Other system features aid management in the planning and control of their restaurant business. The system provides up-to-the-minute information on the food items ordered and breaks out percentages showing sales of each item versus total sales. This helps management plan menus according to customers’ tastes. The system also compares the weekly sales totals versus food costs, allowing planning for tighter cost controls. In addition, whenever an order is voided, the reasons for the void are keyed in. This may help later in management decisions, especially if the voids consistently related to food or service. Acceptance of the system by the users is exceptionally high since the waiters and waitresses were involved in the selection and design process. All potential users were asked to give their impressions and ideas about the various systems available before one was chosen. Questions: a. In the light of the system, describe the decisions to be made in the area of strategic planning, managerial control and operational control? What information would you require to make such decisions? . What would make the system a more complete MIS rather than just doing transaction process? c. Explain the probable effects that making the system more formal would have on the customers and the management. Some decisions that should be considered in the area of strategic planning are: A strategic decision that will be made should affect the long-term direction of the company. Decisions in this secto r should be about trying to achieve some advantage for the company and avoiding bringing an out of the place decisions that will harm the consistency of the company. The decisions should also consider the scope of a company’s activities wherein the boundaries of the company are shown. A strategic decision should also consider the effect this decision on the employees because they will be the one to do the work. Managerial Control Decisions should be a long range considering the company’s objectives. It should also be the best and applicable choice among the set of alternatives that has been suggested. Most importantly, this decision should involve changes within the company and this change should be an improvement. An Operation Control Decision involves three major considerations based on my opinion. An operational decision should be precise, fast, and cost-effective. First, it should be precise because a successful operational decision uses data quickly and effectively in the right action, looking like a knowledgeable employee with the right reports and analysis. Second, it should be fast. You need to take the best action that the time allows. Remember that in a restaurant, customers are not good in waiting longer. Lastly, an operational decision should be cost-effective. If an operational decision is successful it eliminates wasteful activities and costly reports. The system will be a more Management System if it will be involving feedbacks to the customers in what to improve with their service or with the food. It will also be a management system if the system will accept registration of a particular employee every table to avoid confusion and doubling orders. As a result, a fast service will be given. Making the system more formal might be a waste in terms of time management. If a formal system will be implemented it will affect our customer in a way hat they will be waiting longer than expected. Having a formal system involves many processes between the employees and customers. Case 3: Security Loopholes Utpal had just joined SystemX as Systems Manager. But he was a worried man looking at the current state of affairs at SystemX. As a part of assessing hardware and software requirements, it was found that out of the 364 desktops at the corporate of fice; more than half did not have their anti- virus software updated with recent virus signature files. Three fourths had not changed the default e-mail password (it was the user name) and no one had installed OS patches. And one of its local mail servers seemed to be an open relay! For a fleeting moment, he wondered about the situation at the seven branch offices across the country. SystemX used the Net extensively in dealing with its branches, customers and suppliers. Information like contract documents, marketing plans, Cheque and Draft numbers, bank account details and collection details were regularly transmitted by e-mail. Utpal’s first thought was that he would recommend that SystemX bring in a security consultant. But the budget constraints meant that his recommendation was unlikely to find favour. He was beginning to feel a bit out of depth and was wondering what he should do to ensure that SystemX’s data remained safe and secure. Questions: a. What security loopholes come to the fore in the situation described? How can these be plugged? b. What is the importance of a â€Å"security budget† in the context of the given situation? The security loopholes that was given the situation is the absence of anti-virus in half of the computers; E-mail accounts were not updated; OS patches were not installed; and one local mail server is open in the internet. These security loopholes can be plugged when the necessary adjustments were made such as the installation of anti-virus to all computer units, Updating the e-mail accounts to avoid outsiders in stealing files within the company, Operating Systems should be installed to improve the accessibility of the programs, and a local mail server should be set privately within the company. Security budget is important to ensure the safety and privacy of the company from outsiders or hackers. Remember that in this industry anything can happen, right or wrong, it doesn’t matter because this world revolves in a competition. The best way to be in track is to secure the important files of the company. Keep it within the company only to avoid copying of datas. Case 4: Too Many Information Systems X University has of late expanded very rapidly introducing a number of programmes and increasing student intake capacity. It has recently computerized its examination process based on some off-theshelf software. The library had already been computerized a couple of years back using a freely distributed Library Automation System. Daily cash transactions are also handled by computers in the Finance and Accounting Division, using accounting software. For further improvement of efficiency, the new governing body of the University have entrusted the task of developing an MIS for the University to Software Company. All these developments were welcomed by a cross-section of the University Community except a few. One of them is a faculty member at the Management Science Department who commented that the University is burdening itself with too many independent information systems. He strongly favored an integrated information system on the lines of an ERP for a business organization. Questions: a. Do you agree with the faculty member? Give reasons. b. What do you understand by Integrated Information System, the faculty member is talking about? Elaborate in the context of the X University. c. Visualize that the University governing Body decides to drop the MIS plan and agrees to the idea of developing an integrated IS. What problems are likely to creep in? d. Assess the role of Information System specialists and consultants in situations as described in the caselet. I agree with the faculty member that having too many independent information systems are really burdening. First of all, having too many systems is costly because they were made independently with each other. Second, every system requires installation, so it can waste time opening and closing one over the other. Lastly, it will affect the transactions or some activities that will be made in the university because the dates of the activities will depend on the systems which are independent with each other. An Integrated Information System is a system that combines other systems in one program. It is a system wherein every system that was stated in situation is dependent on one another. This system will be more effective because it is time-friendly with an affordable cost.